
Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas in Pictures

Christmas was great in this family!!! We had a wonderful time spending it with family and of course our little miracle Alayna. I made sure to make Maria feel special and wrote her 3 letters.  They are worth the read!!  Here is a few of the photos that I took.  Enjoy!!!

Proud Grandparents!!! Yes that is my Dad dressed as Santa :)
I loved this little ornament!!
This is a special gift that I got Maria and she wanted me to share it with you on blogger!!
Stone #1 is my birthstone March
Stone #2 is Maria's birthstone August
Stone #3 is Alayna's birthstone October
I loved this note that Maria wrote me!!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!! We sure did in this family!!!


Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Merry Christmas everyone!!! I hope my readers are spending time with the people they love on this special day.  In our house, we have so much to be thankful for!!!! We have received the greatest gift we could ever ask for this year and for years to come.  The birth of our miracle Alayna is something we will cherish for the rest of our life.  I am still in shock that I am able to write that statement.  I honestly feel that I am living a dream every day I hold and look at Alayna. 
This is a very special day in our house as we celebrate Alayna’s first Christmas.  I will be back on blogger with tons of photos I am sure.  I will leave you with our Christmas card photo!!!!  I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What an EVENTFUL Week In Our Household!!!

Another week has passed us and it has been an EVENTFUL week.  It was a busy busy busy week as always in our household.  Alayna turned 2 months and Maria still has to deal with health issues related to the birth of our miracle.  So since I already informed everyone about Alayna’s progress in her 2 month development this post will focus all on Maria. 

I know there are a few expecting mothers out there who read this blog so what I am about to share doesn’t happen to everyone or in the least bit to anyone.  All these health issues related to giving birth happen to the minority of people and NOT the majority.  So I hope you will find comfort in that statement.

Where to begin……….well I guess I will just jump right in.  There are many of you who have been following this blog and are pretty familiar with our birth experience.  But for those of you who are new to my blog or have forgotten what Maria has been going through I will summarize briefly.  During the delivery Maria was told she would have basically an emergency c section.  They didn’t classify the c section as an emergency but it might as well have been considered one.  Before the c section took place, they had to place an evil folly catheter.  Maria was not comfortable at all during this and the nurse who administered the catheter basically used a lot of force.   Sadly, she has had to deal with many bladder issues from bleeding to pain to you name it.  We had gone to many doctor’s to see if anyone could give us an explanation on why these issues were still occurring almost 2 months after Alayna’s birth.  One doctor said that all these issues are normal another doctor said the bleeding was caused by force when inserting the catheter etc. But Maria remained persistent because she was still not feeling like herself. 

She contacted her regular OB as she was scared another health issue was occurring.  Maria was very concerned as she started to feel a lump in one of her breasts.  If anyone has ever breast fed their child before you know that you can develop clogged ducts and that was what Maria was thinking it was.  But Maria was unable to work the lump out of her breast and decided it was time to see the Dr.  She informed her Dr. of what was going on and he told her she needed to have an ultrasound to rule out what this lump actually was and to see if the lump needed to be drained.  Also, during the appointment she told the Dr. she was still having bleeding and discomfort.  The Dr.said that it isn’t normal to still have these problems almost 2 months since delivery.  He ordered Maria to have an ultrasound to determine if there was still placenta in her womb.  REALLY!!!!!!!!  I am unsure if I mentioned this before but Maria did have an extra lobe to her placenta and she made sure to ask the OB who performed the c section to remove the entire placenta.   The Dr claimed it was all cleared out and there were no remains of the placenta. 

The ultrasound on Maria’s breast revealed there was a lump and that they needed to proceed further on the testing of the lump.  Maria called me with tears in her eyes as the ultrasound doctor informed her that the lump was irregular shaped and that she had to be seen by a breast surgeon that day.  They wanted to rule the big C word CANCER.  Thankfully, after meeting with the breast surgeon she stated that it was most likely a clogged milk duct.  Later that afternoon Maria had the duct drained and it was not very pleasant at all.   I will spare all the details but it had to deal with a FEW needles being inserted to help drain this clog. Thankfully, the lump was not cancerous!!!  All I can think of is that my wife is one true warrior.  

Also, that day Maria was scheduled to have an ultrasound to determine if there was still placenta retained from Alayna’s birth.   We rushed off to the next doctor appointment and the ultrasound was performed with a follow up visit with the OB Dr.  During the ultrasound, Maria and I both noticed something in her womb that looked like blood flow.  It looked like the blue and red glow on an ultrasound and all I could think of is that it didn’t look normal.

As soon as the ultrasound was complete we met with the OB Dr.  The first thing that came out of his mouth was I am sorry I have some sad news for you Maria.  My heart sank I knew the placenta was still in there.  Maria then had to decide when they would perform the DNC to remove the remaining placenta.  She chose last Friday to allow her the chance to rest and recover from all the negative news we received in one day. 

Friday, came and it was surgery day to remove the remaining parts of the placenta.  The surgery went very well and the Dr. informed me that he removed multiple parts of the placenta. We were discharged later that afternoon and eventually had to come back to the hospital ER as Maria was in a great amount of pain.  They sent us home with pain medicines and by the end of the weekend a lot of the pain had subsided.    So hopefully that will put the bleeding issues behind us!!!

The worst part of all of this is I am the one who is use to being sick and it has killed me to witness my wife battle these last couple months.  But I have said this numerous times on my blog and I will say it again.  My wife is one heck of a woman.  She has shown me her true character and determination during the toughest times and I am so thankful I have her in my life.  Nothing we have experienced is typical at all but I believe soon we will put all these issues behind us and move forward with our incredible life.  Just looking at Alayna we know it is all worth it in the end.  She is a miracle and the greatest gift we could ever ask for in our life. 

These two girls are my world!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Alayna 2 Months Old Today!!!!

Alayna hit the two month mark today!! I can hardly believe that I am typing this! Just to think our little miracle is already two months old it is mind blowing.  To be honest, if I could have 10 little Alayna’s I would in a heart beat.  She is just so amazing every single aspect of her.  From her sweet little cry to her adorable facial expressions when she sleeps. 

Alayna is growing growing growing and growing!!! There is something so special when you see your little baby growing in front of your eyes.  I tell her she isn’t allowed to get big and grow up.  But the reality is she will be growing up faster than I want her to.  Just looking at pictures of Alayna when she was first born to where she is now its hard to remember she was that small.  Alayna continues to plump up and now weighs over 10.5 pounds and has to be approaching 24 inches.  Every time I hold her she feels like this long string bean.  She is all torso and legs.  There have been times where Alayna will fully extend her legs against my chest and I have to extend my arms out. Soon Alayna will not be able to push off of me without her running out of room on my arm.  So that puts her length into perspective for you all.    

Alayna is developing this crazy sense of strength.  From her pushing her legs against me to holding her head up off of my shoulder.  In Alayna’s first couple weeks of life, she would put her head on my shoulder or on my chest and just keep it there without a flinch.  Now, she is to the point where she will hold her head up and look around.  I guess your neck is getting stronger and stronger by the day baby girl.  She is also developing this intense sense of grasping on to things ESPECIALLY, long hair.  Sorry Maria and to every other female who visits Alayna.  If Alayna sees your long hair watch out she will grasp it and hang on for dear life.  I am just glad I do not have to worry about that : )

This past weekend, Alayna has started to communicate. Her communication format is in the form of baby babble, smiles, and putting her arms out.   When I was changing her diaper I started talking to her like I always do.  Most of the time its about how daddy and mommy love her or some random made up song that I sing.  Yes I make up songs and they never are the same ones at all.  But anyway I was talking to her or singing to her and all of a sudden she looked at me and started babbling and smiling.  I yelled for Maria to get the video camera as Alayna continued to be responsive to me for about a minute.  This was one of the best moments because one we had it captured on camera and two this was the first time she was ever responsive to anyone.  She melted my heart just by doing random baby talk and smiling at me. 

Alayna loves loves this play mat that we received at our baby shower.  It is used for tummy time and for her to be on her back and swat at the toys that hang.  The mat also has this little piano at the bottom and when her feet get to kicking the piano plays random music. I love it when she gets excited and has her arms and legs moving and kicking and this toy brings her so much excitement.  She does the cutest thing when she sees herself in the mirror as one of the toys on the mat has a mirror.  She will stare at the mirror and start to babble.  I LOVE IT!!!

Maria and I continue to marvel at how amazing Alayna is!!!  Not a day goes by that we do not talk about something she has done or how big she is etc.  So another month in the books for Alayna and another month in the books for the new parents.  It is going so fast and I wish sometimes we could actually slow the time down.  I will leave everyone with some pictures of Alayna in her most recent photo shoot courtesy of my sister in law.  Thanks again Angel for taking these pictures they always look great!!!

                                                She has her 2 month sticker on!

I love this photo of her. She is so happy!!!

By the Christmas tree.........I cannot believe Maria had a baby 2 months ago.
You would never tell she even had a baby! She looks fabulous!!!!

Alayna loves to be in her diaper!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Please Help Make A Fibro's Wish Come True!!!

I am not sure if you heard of this little man yet but he is one strong fibro.  His name is Dalton Dingus!!! I have seen a few photos of him on FB and other sites and he looks like he is full of life at 9 years old!  Dalton was recently sent home as the doctor's said there was nothing else they could do for him :(  The doctors gave him a couple weeks to live.  Dalton told his mom he is ready to go because he is tired :( Just typing this breaks my heart in to a hundred pieces.  I am lost for words.  I do not know anything about him but I know he has to be one hell of a fighter.  I hate that this disease will take Dalton way before his time.  Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Dalton's wish is to break the Guiness World Record for most Christmas Cards.  That record is an astonshing 35,000.  According to the second link he has 23,000.  Please when you sit down and write out your christmas cards consider sending an extra one to this incredible fighter Dalton!!!

Dalton's address is in the links below.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Need A Little Motivation?

I need some motivation when it comes to exercise. It’s not that I do not have any motivation in my life.  I have to say that I have the biggest motivator’s in my life in Maria and Alayna.  For me, saying I have motivator’s in my life and actually exercising are two different things.  I really really really need to increase the amount of exercise in my life.  So here is to hoping that changes soon!!!

But if these people in this article do not motivate you to get at least 15 minutes of exercise in every other day then I don’t know what will.  The article is old news but I just recently found it online and loved it. The article is about the famous Olympian Oscar “Blade Runner” Pistorious and another little girl Ellie who is just as amazing as Oscar.  The both of them have something in common which is amputation.  

I cannot imagine my life without the ability to freely walk wherever or whenever I want to. We should never take the ability to freely move around for granted people!!  Oscar and Ellie are truly an inspiration!!

Below is the link to the article.  It is worth clicking the link to see the pictures if nothing else. The old adage…………. “A picture can say a thousand words!!!”